29 Jul, 2022 | Australia Awards, Australia Awards PNG Alumni, GEDSI, News
Returning to Apenda village in remote Southern Highlands Province after studying a Bachelor of Business in Australia, Benjamin Pangio observed that despite the infrastructure development in the village, obtaining basic services was still a challenge for their...
8 Jul, 2022 | Short Courses
Inspired to create change in her community and encourage people to think critically when making decisions or resolving conflict, Wendy Tame has counselled over 1,000 individuals since opening a counselling practice in 2020. Wendy launched Family Empowerment...
24 May, 2022 | Australia Awards PNG Alumni, News
Through her small business venture Anka Crafts, Anne Iauka is supporting rural communities in her home province of Bougainville through the trade of eco-friendly handmade crafts. The travel is also giving her an opportunity to re-connect and she is happy to see...
20 Apr, 2022 | Australia Awards
“Go for it! The possibility of upskilling or doing something completely different is only an application form away.” Lydia Edoni graduated with a Master of Environmental Science at the University of South Australia in 2019, through an Australia Awards PNG scholarship...
20 Apr, 2022 | Australia Awards, News
As Legal Manager with Abt Associates, Lisa-Marie Tepu leads contracting activities for the PNG Australia Governance Facility. The initiative will design and implement most of Australia’s future governance portfolio under the strategic direction of the Australian...