SCAM ALERT - Beware of fake Australia Awards Scholarships websites being shared on social media accounts
There have been reports of fake websites offering scholarships and visas to international students. Please be advised that Australia Awards Scholarships does not engage any agents or individuals to process scholarship applications. Application must be completed and submitted through the Online Australia Awards Scholarships Information System: https://oasis.dfat.gov.au/
Eligibility Criteria
Australia Awards applicants must meet all eligibility requirements detailed in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook, available at: https://www.dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/australia-awards-scholarships-policy-handbook
English Language Proficiency
Applicants must have achieved an Academic IELTS overall score of 6.5 or higher (with no band less than 6.0) or an equivalent TOEFL or PTE score. Scores must be valid at 1 January 2023.
Commencement of Study
All scholarships must be taken up in the year for which they are awarded. Should an awardee not be able to commence study by November 2025, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
Country-Specific Conditions
In addition to the eligibility requirements, candidates from Papua New Guinea must also meet the following conditions:
- be applying for a course that demonstrates contribution to a priority sector; and
- have a minimum of two years’ work experience in their professional field.
Public Category Applicants
In addition to the basic eligibility requirements, public servant candidates must also meet the Government of Papua New Guinea requirements, including:
- employment in a public sector agency for two years; and
- nomination from the candidate’s employment agency and endorsement from the Department of Personnel Management.
Public Category applicants should familiarise themselves with General Order, No. 6 available from the Department of Personnel Management’s website: www.dpm.gov.pg

Can I apply for an Australia Awards PNG Scholarship?
□ I am a citizen of PNG and I reside in PNG
□ I have at least two years’ work experience in my employment sector
□ I work in one of the priority sectors:
- agriculture
- education
- governance
- health
- law and justice
- transport and infrastructure
□ I am applying for a progressive tertiary qualification (i.e. a masters degree if I already have a bachelor degree; another masters in a different subject area or field of specialisation if I already have a masters from a PNG institution)
□ I am committed to returning to PNG
□ I am able to meet the Australian visa requirements (subclass 500)
□ I am not applying for a visa to live in Australia
To be eligible to receive an Australia Awards Scholarship, applicants must also:
- be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of commencing the scholarship
- residing and working in PNG at the time of application
- not be married, engaged or a de facto of a person who holds, or is eligible to hold, Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency, at any time during the application, selection or mobilisation phases of the scholarship
- not be currently serving military personnel
- not be a citizen of Australia, hold permanent residency in Australia or be applying for a visa to live in Australia permanently
- not have previously received a long-term Australia Award in the previous four years
- be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the institution at which the award is to be undertaken
- not hold convictions of criminal activities (including in their home country) including those relating to Child Protection and PSEAH;
People working in provincial locations, women and people with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.