Application Information

SCAM ALERT - Beware of fake Australia Awards Scholarships websites being shared on social media accounts
There have been reports of fake websites offering scholarships and visas to international students. Please be advised that Australia Awards Scholarships does not engage any agents or individuals to process scholarship applications. Application must be completed and submitted through the Online Australia Awards Scholarships Information System:

Application Overview

If you are considering applying for an Australia Awards Scholarship to study in Australia, please read the following information carefully.

Applications for Intake 2025 are now closed. 

Check back later in 2024 for information on Intake 2026.

Please be aware that there is no fee to submit a scholarship application and all applicant information materials and forms are provided free of charge.

Check if you are eligible for an Australia Awards Scholarship, before you apply.

Australia Awards PNG provides scholarships for three levels of study: Master’s by Coursework, undergraduate studies, and PhD and Masters by Research.

Master’s by Coursework

Around 90% of the scholarships are offered each year to study a master’s by coursework in priority sectors and study topics.

Applicants who obtained their first Master’s degree from a PNG institution may apply for a second Master’s. However, the proposed second Masters must be in a different field or area of specialisation. Applicants who obtained their first Masters from an institution overseas are not allowed to apply for a second Masters. This is to provide equal opportunity for all PNG citizens to study overseas.


A limited number of undergraduate scholarships (approximately 5% of awards) are offered each year for programs not available for study in PNG (priority sectors here) and for applicants with disability. All undergraduate applicants must meet the eligibility criteria for scholarships.

Research Degrees

A limited number of scholarships (approximately 5% of awards) are offered each year for research degrees (PhD, Masters by Research, Master’s in Philosophy) for those employed in research or teaching positions at a PNG higher education and research institution.

Applicants are required to submit a detailed research proposal and confirmation from the proposed supervisor who has agreed to supervise the research in an Australian institution. Applicants must also attend an interview at the Australia Awards office before submitting their application.

For details, see the factsheet on research degree scholarships.

Applicants for an Australia Award must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be applying for a progressive tertiary qualification (i.e. a masters degree if the applicant already has a bachelor degree; another masters in a different subject area or field of specialisation if the applicant already has a masters from a PNG institution)
  • Have at least two years work experience in, and applying for studies in, a priority sector.
  • Be a citizen of PNG and resident in PNG, and committed to returning after studies.
  • Have a valid academic IELTS overall score of 6.5 or higher (with no band less than 6.0) or an equivalent TOEFL or PTE score.
  • Be able to take up the scholarship in the year in which it is awarded. Should an awardee not be able to commence study by November of their award year, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
  • Able to meet the Australian visa requirements (subclass 500), and not applying for a visa to live in Australia.
  • Meet all eligibility requirements detailed in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook, available at:

Additional eligibility requirements apply to public servants. More information is here.


Check your eligibility for Australia Awards Scholarship here!

Scholarships are available in a range of priority sectors and study areas, which are reviewed annually by the governments of Australia and PNG.

  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Goverance
  • Health
  • Law and Justice
  • Transport and Infrastructure

More details available here.

Applicants are required to identify two preferred courses and institutions in their application.

Scholarships are only offered for courses listed on The Australian Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). When submitting an application for an Australia Award, you should visit the website of your preferred institution and review course options, to make sure:

  • The course is relevant to your current work, employment sector, study and development plans.
  • You meet entry requirements for the course, including required English language proficiency.
  • The course content and specialisation respond to capacity gaps in your employment sector.
  • The institution has a good reputation in your sector.

Applicants in Port Moresby can view course and institution information packs at the AAPNG Resource Centre, Ground Floor, Ground Floor, Stage 2, Westpac Building, Waigani Drive, Port Moresby.

All applications for Australia Awards must include supporting documents as outlined here. Applications without these documents will not be considered.

These documents may take a while to obtain, so we recommend you start locating them early so you are ready to submit your application by the deadline.

Submitting your application

The below information may assist you when considering an application for the next Intake round.

Submitting your application

All applications must be submitted online at the OASIS website

Applicants must read the annual User Guide for Applicants (2025 version available for information only) before commencing their application.

Registering in OASIS to submit an application
  1. Type into your Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser
  2. Click Logon / Register
  3. Click on Register New Account
  4. Register with your email, name (as per ID document/ passport), date of birth and contact number
  5. A temporary password will then be sent to your email address
  6. Log in with the temporary password provided and follow the instructions to set a new password
  7. You now have access to the application system

Helpful tip

An asterisk (*) symbol is shown next to mandatory questions, which you must complete. If you leave a mandatory question blank, the system will not let you submit your application. You must complete all mandatory questions

How to use OASIS
  • You must register for your own unique OASIS log-in and password.
  • Do not submit your application using another person’s log-in and password.
  • We recommend using a non-work email address, such as Gmail or Hotmail. Work emails may have firewalls that block outside addresses and at times can be offline.
  • Consider using a reliable email account for your scholarship application.
  • It is recommended OASIS be accessed using Google Chrome or Firefox browsers.
  • You do not need to start, finish and submit your application all at once. You can complete your application over a period of time and save it as you go.
  • Each page will begin with Help Text, which explains how to complete the application page.
  • If you do not complete the mandatory fields on the application page, an error message will appear in red.
  • The answer boxes on each application page have character limits. Characters are letters, spaces and punctuation marks. If you exceed the character limit, an error will appear and your response might not save until you reduce the number of characters.
  • A checklist is shown in OASIS on the left hand side of the webpage. A tick symbol indicates that the application section has been completed. The (x) symbol indicates the section is incomplete.
  • All attachments must be 2MB or less.
Tips for good applications
  • Read and research about issues and development needs in your sector, and find appropriate courses in Australia before preparing their application.
  • Application statements must be clear, concise and focused. The statements must demonstrate a clear understanding of the scholarship objectives and PNG development agenda.
  • Make sure you show the relationship between personal, career goals and PNG development needs.
  • Course preferences must illustrate relevance to your academic background and current employment, career plans and human resource and development needs of your sector and PNG.
  • Referee reports should provide adequate information on your skills and knowledge and include references to your study and reintegration plans.
  • The reintegration plan must clearly outline how the new skills and knowledge you will gain in Australia will contribute towards development in PNG and proposed improved policy and practice in current sector or agency.
  • Ensure all required documents are submitted. Any missing document will make the application non-compliant and ineligible for further assessment.
  • Consult with AAPNG Scholarship Team in preparing for their application.
  • If possible, applications must be submitted before the deadline to avoid any technical issues with the online application system. The system slows down on the last day of application because of high number of users.
  • PUBLIC SERVANT applicants must ensure that they have complied and submitted all required documents (including training bid and nomination from their agency head) to the Department of Personal Management to support their application. Failure to do so will make the application non-compliant and ineligible for further assessments.