New Stories

Finding my purpose at sea: Natasha’s story

Growing up, Natasha Kema never saw herself in the maritime industry. Today, she is the first marine engineer and seafarer in her family.

Turning the Tide with Carol Wallan

Carol Wallan previously worked as an administration officer at NASFUND before deciding that a life on the high seas was her calling. Today, the proud mum of two is a Chief Officer and second in command aboard KEERA, a blue water tug vessel within the Pacific Towing Marine Services fleet which pulls and guides larger vessels through the Port Moresby Harbour.

Male midwife trainee is ready to champion safe motherhood in PNG

“Being a midwife is to make a difference in a woman’s maternal health. People often think it is all about labour and delivery, but it’s also about advocating and caring for the mother.”

STEM teacher leads by example

In observance of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we celebrate the
achievements of educators like Paula Niandros Polume.


Rachel Koralyo is a biologist-turned-educator at Wapenamanda Four Square Secondary School in
Enga Province.

Surviving the tsunami and became a teacher

Gethrude Amunti survived the tsunami that swept away the whole Sissano village in West Sepik Province 25 years ago. She obtained a Diploma in Primary Teaching through an Australia Awards Scholarship and is now teaching at Olbrum Primary School. The school currently sits on land that was a place of refuge for Gethrude and her family when fleeing from the tsunami that claimed more than 2,000 lives.

The legacy continues for Mary Roroipe

For most coastal people, the sea is part of their way of life – this is true for 29-year-old marine engineer Mary Roroipe. From an early age, Mary was exposed to seafaring through her late father’s small craft business, chartering passengers across the maritime province of Milne Bay. So, it comes as no surprise that Mary followed in her father’s footsteps by becoming a marine engineer after completing a marine cadetship, supported by an Australia Awards PNG scholarship.

Profession for all

Despite being a male nurse in a profession often seen as traditional for women, Issac is proud to break stereotypes and serve his community with compassion and excellence. “Nursing is not just a profession for women, it’s a profession for all,” says Issac. “I want to make a difference in the lives of my patients, regardless of their background,” says Issac with empathy.

Commemorating Seafarer’s Day: Celebrating Women in Maritime

Today, on Seafarer’s Day, we appreciate the extraordinary women who are part of the maritime industry, paving the way for aspiring women seafarers. These remarkable individuals are part of the Australia Awards Maritime Scholarship Program for women, an initiative established through a partnership between Australia Awards PNG and Steamships Trading Company. This program goes beyond addressing the global shortage of female seafarers—it is a catalyst for gender equality and empowerment.

Breaking through cultural barriers

Gaining an additional educational qualification means ‘breaking through a cultural barrier’ for Muhaveso Bathsheba Korano.
 Holder of a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science, Muhaveso says she decided to pursue a qualification in teaching so she could “contribute to educating more women and girls in math and science.”

Women in Maritime leading by example

Women in Maritime leading by example

‘If you’re interested in marine engineering and have the opportunity to study – take it; don’t let your gender dictate your dream.’ That’s Michelle Marnapal’s advice to other Papua New Guinean women who want to follow her lead as a marine engineer in the maritime...

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Aspiring midwives rise to the challenge

Aspiring midwives rise to the challenge

Geographical remoteness, limited telecommunications and critical-care incidents are familiar challenges for many nurses working in Papua New Guinea. This has motivated three nurses from Morobe and New Ireland Provinces to develop their skills and give back to their...

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Rural training delivers invaluable lessons for midwives

Rural training delivers invaluable lessons for midwives

When Jennifer Monipa signed up to visit remote villages in Western province as a trainee midwife, she was looking forward to applying her new skills and knowledge and learning as much as possible. But she got more out of the experience than she expected. “I helped...

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Future nurses step up to COVID-19 challenge

Future nurses step up to COVID-19 challenge

COVID-19 presents one of the most complex challenges the region faces right now.  Now imagine being a nurse on the frontline of PNG’s health response. These difficult times however are an opportunity for nursing students to reflect on their choice of study, the...

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Skills sharing the main priority for new preceptors

Skills sharing the main priority for new preceptors

Their title might be unfamiliar to some.  But preceptors play a critical – if sometimes lesser-known – role in helping today’s healthcare students become tomorrow’s skilled practitioners. Preceptors are experienced health workers who mentor and assess student nurses...

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