The most effective counselling has the power to have a positive ripple effect and goes beyond the individual client to empower families and communities.

From working to prevent gender-based violence in Lae to delivering counselling support at the community level in Sandaun Province or in the private sector in West New Britain, it is agreed the best counselling both empowers the client and has a positive impact in the broader community.

This was one of the key messages of Papua New Guinean professionals who recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Counselling awarded by Griffith University in Australia under the Australia Awards Short Course program.

‘In the past, they [clients] depended more on the counsellors to tell them what to do. There has been a gradual shift from a dependency situation to one of more independence and empowerment to manage their issues in finding solutions,’ says participant Claire August, who supports employees and their families as a counsellor at Hargy Oil Palms in West New Britain.

‘Some of the people I have trained are more confident now to help people… [and] some of the community helpers are even encouraging others in the community to get help from the counsellors.

‘I’m optimistic that through networking and partnerships, the work of counselling can be promoted and used both at the community and national level.’

A photo of Claire August

Photo of Claire August – Graduate Certificate in Counselling Short Course Awards participant

Fellow participant Wilson Wilo is a Welfare and Protection Officer with the Sandaun Provincial Administration in the Aitape-Lumi district.  Wilson says the Australia Awards Short course enabled him to become a critical thinker and pose questions to understand a client’s underlying feelings as well as the external issues at play.

Since completing the Short Course, Wilson has attended a gender-based violence training course to share his skills and experiences with other professionals. Wilson is also able to draw on a set of counselling cards outlining tips and techniques that participants produced during the Short Course by the participants.

‘With the consent of the client, I also invite my fellow counsellors to sit down with me and observe a session, so I can share my approach with them.’

Wilson is also planning a three-day substance abuse prevention workshop for young people as part of Short-Course work-based project.

Sharing skills and supporting communities over the long-term is also a priority for Wendy Tame, Manager and Counsellor at the Women’s Refuge Home in Lae. Wendy signed up for the Short Course to develop her skills in handling sensitive gender-based violence cases.

‘The course fitted well with my needs,’ said Wendy. ‘Since completing my studies, I have been sharing what I learnt with my colleagues and now I can see a change in our work. We are working more efficiently in managing our own work as well as our clients.’


Photo of Wilson Wilo

Wilson Wilo during a presentation at the Graduate Certificate in Counselling post course in Port Moresby earlier this year

Photo of Wendy Tame

Wendy Tame during the Graduate Certificate in Counselling post course in Port Moresby earlier this year










Australia Awards Short Course Awards offer targeted programs tailored to develop knowledge and skills, address priority human resource development needs and build partnerships and linkages between PNG and Australian organisations, in support of the PNG-Australia Partnership. For more information, visit