The creative PhD journey of Dr Yalamu

The creative PhD journey of Dr Yalamu

A lecturer for arts and design at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Dr. Philemon Yalamu, published four journals while studying and established a virtual creative hub after being conferred a PhD in Computer Science and Software Engineering through Australia...
The challenge of intellect, led to a PhD

The challenge of intellect, led to a PhD

“I felt like I was not challenged intellectually in the way I was delivering my teaching and facilitating learning for the students. Therefore, I applied for the Australia Awards Scholarship to study a PhD, so that I could do research and contribute to new knowledge...
Inspiring people to make their own futures

Inspiring people to make their own futures

“We don’t need investors or donors to start a project for us. We just need to stop being lazy, start working and make something for ourselves. Agribusiness is definitely one of the ways we can do that.” Australia Awards alumna Rosemary Imara is passionate about...
PNG – Australia Cultural Connections

PNG – Australia Cultural Connections

Sixteen Australia Awards Papua New Guinean scholars came together in September from across Australia, to deepen their understanding of Australia’s shared history. Over the four days, scholars gathered on Kaurna and Ngarrindjeri Country, visiting highly significant...