3 Mar, 2023 | Short Courses, Success Stories
Confronted by the abuse of women and children she witnessed while working in a Family Support Center, Mary Balupa took up studies in counselling to equip herself to better help her community. “I saw the tears in the eyes of children who were neglected because of...
23 Feb, 2023 | Australia Awards, News
“The impact my Australia Award had for my work is huge. I can now confidently perform my work and at the same time impart knowledge and skills to other colleagues. I encourage other public officials to apply for Australia Awards,” says Ismael Sunga, Assistant...
15 Jun, 2022 | Australia Awards PNG Alumni, GEDSI, In-PNG, News, Primary Teaching Scholarship, Success Stories
Told by Paulon Podomo, Diploma in Primary Teaching graduate from Sacred Heart Teachers College in 2019 This short story is my personal experience of living and teaching in a remote school since January 2020. I am 27 years old, from Marofen village in North Fly...
25 Sep, 2018 | Australia Awards, Success Stories
My background was in Economics but when the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum hired me in 2008 as a Project Officer. Over the years as I worked in the Chamber’s Project Office, I began to love the project work and appreciate the how significant it was to an...