27 Apr, 2020 | Australia Awards PNG Alumni, News, Success Stories
When Euodia Mosoro (pictured above, left) decided to develop her public health expertise through post-graduate study in Australia, she was driven by personal connections as much as professional ones. Euodia, from East Sepik, describes herself as a second-generation...
16 Apr, 2020 | Australia Awards PNG Alumni, News, Success Stories
As PNG continues its response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Australia Awards Short Course graduates are sharing their health sector expertise around the country – at a time when this is more important than ever. Twenty-three PNG health professionals from 11...
16 Apr, 2020 | In-PNG, News
Their title might be unfamiliar to some. But preceptors play a critical – if sometimes lesser-known – role in helping today’s healthcare students become tomorrow’s skilled practitioners. Preceptors are experienced health workers who mentor and assess student nurses...
19 Mar, 2020 | News, Short Courses
The New England region is contributing to rural development in Papua New Guinea by being a showcase for innovative approaches to agribusiness. Over the next six weeks, the University of New England (UNE) in partnership with RuralBiz Training is hosting a group of PNG...
26 Feb, 2020 | Australia Awards PNG Alumni, News, Short Courses, Success Stories
Andrew Tipi’s passion for community development is clear. ‘We have a vision. We would like to see ourselves as a source of protein, a source of income and of employment opportunities for the community,’ Tipi says. Tipi is explaining his motivations during a visit to...