Inapero Huhuva has been teaching for 14 years and is currently the Senior Subject Master of the Science Department at the Port Moresby National School of Excellence. He is about to complete a Graduate Certificate in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education through Australia Awards Short Course Awards.
“PNG needs an educated population that thrives on innovation and creativity if we ever going to revolutionize this country and propel it forward,” says Inapero Huhuva. “The current education system has been designed to equip students with concepts and content without harnessing their skills and abilities to create and solve existing problems.
“The advance in technology and rigorous competition within companies to meet evolving customer needs, sell products and survive has shifted the workforce requirement to a more innovative and creative one. Hence, demands a shift in teaching and learning methodologies to embrace one which integrates disciplines and harnesses skill and creativity.
“We need a population that can create solutions to our problems – not one that is dependent on others solving our problems and STEM education endeavors to promote that. It’s simple: if PNG can create, it can sell, it can profit…and it survives and advances.”
Having always wanted to pursue further studies and improve his content knowledge and delivery skills, Inapero saw the STEM Education course as the perfect opportunity. He has valued the exposure to various methos of delivering STEM Education; learning more about current challenges to teaching pupils to become creative and innovative to meet workplace needs; and the exposure to using various STEM thinking methods to solve problems.
“The level of support provided by the Queensland University of Technology staff throughout the course duration was phenomenal and beyond expectation. We had one-on-one sessions and there was always support present throughout the course to assist in any technical or course related problems. This in turn aided my understanding and overall performance in each unit of the coursework.”
Inapero did not only build good relationships and contacts with the course facilitators. He was also among three awardees to win the QUT International Project Award in the education category, for his project creating a prototype of an automated irrigation system for PNG farmers. He has been appointed as an official ambassador to QUT for the next five years which will be an excellent opportunity to maintain those links.
Inapero encourages other STEM educators to apply for the upcoming Graduate Certificate: “To not apply will be the biggest mistake in your life. The skills you will acquire are not only classroom based, but expand into your private and professional career too. STEM education has the potential to save PNG.”
Applications for the Graduate Certificate in STEM Education close on Friday 22 April 2022, 5:00pm PNG time. Apply now.