3 Mar, 2023 | Short Courses, Success Stories
Confronted by the abuse of women and children she witnessed while working in a Family Support Center, Mary Balupa took up studies in counselling to equip herself to better help her community. “I saw the tears in the eyes of children who were neglected because of...
5 Dec, 2022 | Short Courses
“When more men participate in gender-based violence (GBV) counselling, more men will be GBV sensitized and there will be a paradigm shift in men’s worldview on this problem.” Jerom Kendino is a case manager and counsellor at Lifeline PNG in Port Moresby. The...
1 Dec, 2022 | News, Short Courses
“There is nothing better than seeing a human being alleviated from emotional, psychological, spiritual, and relational pain,” says Jean Kupo, manager of the Family Support Centre (FSC) at Simbu Provincial Health Authority. Jean has trained more than 30...
8 Jul, 2022 | Short Courses
Inspired to create change in her community and encourage people to think critically when making decisions or resolving conflict, Wendy Tame has counselled over 1,000 individuals since opening a counselling practice in 2020. Wendy launched Family Empowerment...