- Australia Awards Useful Links
- Preparing A Research Degree Proposal
- Preparing for English Language Test
- Australian Institutions
Australia Awards Global Site: https://www.dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards
Australia Awards Policy Handbook: https://www.dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/australia-awards-scholarships-policy-handbook
Australian High Commission to PNG: https://png.embassy.gov.au/
PNG Australian Alumni Association: https://www.pngaaa.org/
Australian Visa Information: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students: https://cricos.education.gov.au/
English Language Courses in Australia: https://www.studyaustralia.gov.au/english/australian-education/english-courses
IELTS English Language Test Information: https://www.ielts.org/
The following links may help you in preparing a research proposal for your Australia Awards application.
- https://sydney.edu.au/study/how-to-apply/postgraduate-research/how-to-write-a-research-proposal-for-a-strong-phd-application.html
- https://www.anu.edu.au/students/academic-skills/research-writing/research-proposals/writing
- https://www.studential.com/postgraduate/study/PhD/writing-a-research-proposal
- http://www.postgraduate.uwa.edu.au/students/proposals/format
- https://www.writingclearscience.com.au/ten-stages-of-the-phd-journey/
These resources may help you in preparing for your English Language Test (IELTS):
- IELTS Preparation Guide: https://bit.ly/IELTSPreparation_Guide
- IELTS Masterclass Pack: https://bit.ly/IELTSMasterclass_Pack
- IELTS Academic Masterclass: https://bit.ly/IELTSAcademicMasterclass (Specific for PNG test takers covering all 4 skills)
- IELTS Masterclass Playlist: https://bit.ly/IELTSMasterclassSTF
Central Queensland University
Email: international-enquiries@cqu.edu.au
Website: www.cqu.edu.au
Video: ‘Why International Student Choose CQUniversity Australia’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K4dY-BoYpY
Charles Sturt University
Email: internationalclient@csu.edu.au
Website: https://study.csu.edu.au/international
Macquarie University
Email: Matt Monkhouse, Director, Southeast Asia & Eurasia, matthew.monkhouse@mq.edu.au
Website: mq.edu.au
RMIT University
Website: www.rmit.edu.au
University of Melbourne
Student Contact Officers: Catherine Navon & Stephanie Gleeson
Email: aus-awards@unimelb.edu.au
Website: https://www.unimelb.edu.au/
For a good overview of the university: https://youtu.be/z2STrELVids
University of Melbourne Law School: https://youtu.be/KiIdnA3U28c
University of Sydney
Contact: Julia Wibowo
Email: australiaawards@sydney.edu.au
Website: www.sydney.edu.au
University of the Sunshine Coast
Email: sponsoredstudents@usc.edu.au
Website: usc.edu.au/international
University of Tasmania
Enquiries: https://www.utas.edu.au/international/enquire
International Future Students ‘Courses’ and Student Stories: https://www.utas.edu.au/international
Research institutes and centres: https://www.utas.edu.au/research/institutes-and-centres
University life: https://www.utas.edu.au/uni-life
University of Technology Sydney
Website: www.uts.edu.au/international
University of Western Australia
Email: admissions@uwa.edu.au
Website: https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/international-students
University of Wollongong
Website: www.uow.edu.au
Victoria University
Email: ausawards@vu.edu.au
Website: www.vu.edu.au
Services provided to International Students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=669NZ5Jn1e0
Our Stories
Leading the way in education through mentorship
Nestled in the heart of East Sepik Province, Ambunti-Drekikir District is a place of incredible beauty and immense challenges. For Hillary Suamba, growing up in this community was a lesson in the power of perseverance and the importance of education. After completing...
From secondary school teacher to university lecturer
Noelynn Darius’s commitment and qualification through Australia Awards PNG have elevated her from a secondary school teacher to a university lecturer.
“I am a devoted alumna of the Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association. Being a member of this professional association has fashioned me to attain and perform in my new role as a lecturer here at the University of Goroka, as of this year. This network has been really profitable,” she claims.
From security guard to programs director
From a small hamlet in Guniba, Popondetta, Oro Province to the bustling city of Port Moresby, Christopher Usuka has proven that with hard work and perseverance, one can overcome any challenge and achieve success.
When Christopher was not selected for the high school of his choice, he came to Port Moresby to look for a paid job. He took up a short computer accounting course while working his first job as a security guard, but his passion for the creative arts eventually led him to apply for Theatre Arts courses at the University of Papua New Guinea.