15 Mar, 2023 | Australia Awards, News
Noelynn Darius’s commitment and qualification through Australia Awards PNG have elevated her from a secondary school teacher to a university lecturer. “I am a devoted alumna of the Papua New Guinea Australia Alumni Association. Being a member of this professional...
15 Mar, 2023 | Short Courses
From a small hamlet in Guniba, Popondetta, Oro Province to the bustling city of Port Moresby, Christopher Usuka has proven that with hard work and perseverance, one can overcome any challenge and achieve success. When Christopher was not selected for the college of...
3 Mar, 2023 | Short Courses, Success Stories
Confronted by the abuse of women and children she witnessed while working in a Family Support Center, Mary Balupa took up studies in counselling to equip herself to better help her community. “I saw the tears in the eyes of children who were neglected because of...
23 Feb, 2023 | Australia Awards, News
“The impact my Australia Award had for my work is huge. I can now confidently perform my work and at the same time impart knowledge and skills to other colleagues. I encourage other public officials to apply for Australia Awards,” says Ismael Sunga, Assistant...
22 Feb, 2023 | Australia Awards, News
“The symposium was an eye-opener for me as I learned that several plant diseases in PNG such as the Bogia Coconut Syndrome and Banana Wilt Associated Phytoplasma are vectored by hemipterans,” says Noah Saruwa, Agriculture Scientist, and Australia Awards awardee.What’s...